The Urgent Miss Babington


Eleanor Bliss

Published October 2018.

What a woman! She was the daughter of Rev. J A Babington, vicar of St Mildred’s, Tenterden, and worked alongside him supporting his ministry and contributing hugely to the life of the town. Her contributions to the war effort during World War One are noted, as is her help with the town stricken by the influenza outbreak in 1918. The pair moved to Canterbury in 1924 on his retirement, and in due course she became the Secretary, Steward and Treasurer of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral. For this work she was awarded the OBE. She helped instigate the first Canterbury Festivals. During World War Two she became a significant figure in supporting the Canterbury community through her work as Coordinator of the WVS.

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The story of Margaret Babington, stalwart of Tenterden, Kent, and founder of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral.

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