If you’ve clicked here, you’re interested in producing a book that doesn’t fall into one of our existing ranges. If that is the case, then Canterley Publishing is unable to offer you a traditional publishing contract, as we are currently concentrating on expanding these ranges for the foreseeable future.

Nonetheless, we are able to help by assisting you in the production of a book that you would be able to sell and distribute yourself.

To start the process off, please email us at [email protected] with a synopsis of your book, its likely length and some ideas as to how you think you’d like it presented. Some pointers to consider are:

  • Format (Hardback or paperback? If hardback, would you like a dustjacket?);
  • Size (Trade paperback size, coffee-table hardback, or anything in between?);
  • Number and nature of illustrations (Photos or line drawings? Colour or mono? Within the text, or in a central plate section?);
  • Number of copies required;
  • When you’d like to take delivery.

Don’t worry if you don’t know the answers to some of these – we can help advise you.


What are the advantages of this?

You are essentially the ‘publisher’, so you would have control over the content, format and appearance of your book. We can offer free advice, and extra services (such as editing) if you wish, but the final call is yours. If planned correctly, this scheme in general offers a better financial return than the traditional publishing arrangement whereby the author receives a royalty on net sales.


What are the disadvantages of this?

The first is that you’d need to finance the project yourself; the second is that you’d need to take on the duties of publicising, selling and distributing the books. On the first point, our costs are reasonable and we will work closely with you to find a solution that suits your budget and circumstances. On the second, we are happy to give free advice and point you in the right direction, and in most cases can offer extra services to help you along.


So how much will it cost?

There are so many variables associated with a publishing project that this is impossible to answer without more information from you. The first step is to send us an email at [email protected] and we can arrange a chat, or to send you some outline costs based on your specifications.


Isn’t this vanity publishing?

Some call it that, yes, but we don’t. To us, there’s nothing vain about seeing your work presented in a professional manner, either to distribute among friends and family as a keepsake, or in the hope that it can be sold commercially. And the fact that it hasn’t attracted a traditional publishing contract is no reflection on its quality – publishers can have one of many reasons for not pursuing it, and the traditional model doesn’t work for some authors anyway.


I’ve got more questions to ask.

In which case, please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected] and we’ll be pleased to help you.